The Arizona Soccer Association (ASA), in partnership with their charitable arm, the Arizona Soccer Foundation, is pleased to announce that starting next school year, they will be granting scholarships for post-high school education. These scholarships are exclusively for families that are registered to play within ASA.
All of the eligibility requirements are contained in the link and applications will be accepted through Monday, April 14. Award recipients will be announced later in May.
Should you have questions, you may direct them to Ray Artigue at ray@artigueadvisors.com
Jonathan Berzins, CEO
1. 1st generation higher education aspiring student
2. Attend an Arizona high school or institution for 2 or more years and
graduated with a 2.5 or higher cumulative GPA
3. Have an annual household income of $72,000 or less
4. Played with an Arizona Soccer Association member organization at any
level (recreational, competitive etc.)
The Award
1. $1,500 per year ($750 per semester) (2 Year Max)
2. Can be applied for anything associated with higher education (tuition,
books, fees, housing etc.).
First Year Eligibility
1. Must be considered a full-time student
2. Maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher
Renewable (second year only)
1. 2nd year is renewable for $1500 ($750 per semester)
2. Must be considered a full-time student
3. 2.0 GPA or higher
Community Service
1.Though not mandatory, decisions may be influenced by extracurricular activities