What is Arizona ODP?
The ASA ODP experience begins with open tryouts, held in August of each year. ODP tryout schedules are published on our website, azsoccerassociation.org, and are advertised to local soccer associations each year during the summer (if not seen posted, info is not yet available). Players register to the age-appropriate and gender-appropriate tryout sessions where coaches evaluate players’ performance and skills, including technique, tactics, athletic ability, and attitude. After try outs are complete, coaches select players that the coaches believe are ready for and will be successful in our ODP program. These players are invited to join the appropriate ODP pool. An ODP “pool” is the age- and gender-specific group of players coaches have selected to participate in the ASA ODP system. The list will be posted on our website at azsoccerassociation.org.
Players register for the appropriate pool once each year, in the fall. Multiple training sessions and hooded sweatshirt are included in the pool registration fee. We expect players to remain in financial good standing with the program at all times.
The ODP year runs from September through July of the following year. In a typical ODP year each age group will have six training sessions. Training sessions are held on Saturdays and Sundays. A schedule of training sessions is published at the beginning of each season. We encourage players to attend all of their pool’s training sessions to maximize the benefits received from ODP. We recognize that players may have occasional conflicts and may be unable to attend all training sessions. There are no negative consequences for missing training sessions except the training sessions are used to determine the teams for ODP Championships.
Regional Camps are held during the summer and are designed to provide development, high-level competition, and training for participating players. During the trials, players who perform at the highest level of play are identified for possible regional and/or national team pool or team participation.
Arizona state teams participate in Region IV Camp every summer. The specific dates of the Region IV Camps vary each year and are based on the age of the teams; they are held in late June and July of each year. Players are selected from the ODP Championships and Sub Regionals to attend the Regional Camp.

ODP Calendar 2024/25



Camps & Clinics

Boys Teams
Championship Rosters

Girls Teams
Championship Rosters

ODP Tours

For any questions about the Arizona Soccer Association ODP program please contact Technical Director Chris Blundell at Chrisblundell@azyouthsoccer.org
For any administrative questions such as uniforms, registration..etc. contact Leigh Coldren at